The Events Insight
Welcome to The Events Insight, created to entertain, enlighten and inspire anyone involved in or thinking of joining our exciting and diverse events industry. We bring you illuminating tales from some amazing people in a vast array of roles and from all across the globe. Each week we chat to a different guest and share their stories with you; how and why they got into events, what they’ve learned on the way and why they’re still here!
The Events Insight
The Events Insight - Its a Wrap Season 11
The Wrap Session – Season 11
Well, that’s it folks! We have reached the end of another fantastic season.
Jack and Karen have chatted to some truly interesting and inspiring guests from across the events industry. From wedding sales to event platform development and everything in between.
For the Wrap Session, we ask our lovely listeners to get in touch, and join us for a chat about the season. Lively, surprising and entertaining… 3 words to describe our listeners who joined us!!
First of all, we have Gee Edwards
Gee Edwards is a technical production manager with a former background in technical sales and solutions. He has been in the industry for 15 years and has worked with some major organisations and clients. He has had a lot of roles up and down the technical spectrum including a cable wireman on an installation project in a west end theatre right up to a senior production management role handing all aspects of a 300 square meter corporate event and arena work.
You can find him at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geeedwards/
Our second listeners is Jenny Davies
Jenny Davies works at The Scouts as an Events & Contingents Officer. This role involves planning and operational delivery of national conferences, Awards celebrations and state events, such as the Scouts involvement in the Coronation, as well as project managing UK attendance at international events. This summer Jenny will be supporting the UK Scouting Contingent of 4500 young people and volunteers in South Korea.
You can find her at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-bull-davies/
Thanks for all your continued support of the podcast.
We do appreciated all your messages, calls and suggestions for the podcast.
Enjoy the Wrap!
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